LUBBOCK, Texas (KCBD) - The Irreverent Warriors is hosting its Silkies Hikes event on Saturday, Aug 20.
The hike will begin at 2002 Broadway at the Miguel’s restaurant at 7:30 a.m. The event will last until 6:30 p.m.
As this is a therapeutic event, the hike should be four to 10 miles in length at a two to three mile-per-hour pace, according to the website. The group will make several stops along the route.
The hiking event is meant to create connections between veterans who are struggling with depression. The Irreverent Warriors aim to prevent suicide among veteran populations using “humor and camaraderie to improve mental health.”
“The connections made at our events and throughout our organization create lasting bonds and provide our military and veterans with a network of support, accountability, and camaraderie,” according to the event’s description. “We all experience dark times; our mission is to make sure that when those times come, our veterans don’t have to fight their battles alone.”
Throughout the hike, there are frequent stops for fellowship, food and beverages. Rucks, eight and boots are optional.
The following gear is recommended for the event:
Silkies an shirts
Sunscreen and headgear
Photo ID
Transportation in the event of drinking alcohol
Medical supplies
Extra socks
To maintain the atmosphere of camaraderie, only veterans are allowed to walk, according to the event website. Tickets can be purchased here.
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